北マケドニア、欧州統合への道-North Macedonia, road to European Integration


In July 2022, North Macedonia’s EU accession negotiations finally began. It had been 18 years since he applied for membership in 2004. Why did it take so long to start negotiations, when will membership be realized, and what are the challenges? I gave a lecture on the situation in North Macedonia at the Kasumiguan-kai.

Sawada Hironori

-Born in 1956 in Kumamoto(Tamana city), Japan. -Graduated from Tamana high school. -Studied Portuguese and Brazilian History at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. -Entered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in1980. -Served in Brazil (1981-86, 95-99 and 07-10(Political Counsellor), Italy (Rome, 92-95), Chicago(10-13(DCG)), Angola (as Ambassador, 16-20) and North Macedonia(as Ambassador, 20-22). -Retired from foreign service in 2023.


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